Elepsy: Post-Covid-19 kitchen solution

09.2020 - 10.2020/ 4-week group project

Group member: Sinan Altun/Yilin Lyu/Yuchen Lan


Post Covid-19 solution

Collaborated with:


In this project, we collaborated with Electrolux to explore the possibilities of designing in an epidemic situation. In this project, we focus on kitchen solution especially for fruits and vegetables.

The problem and the goal

In the year 2020, people hold a squeamish attitude towards with Covid-19. People are nervous and worried about their health. Food is one of the places where the virus clings. Yet fruits and vegetables don't have a good sanitization method for helping to reduce their fear.


Simulate Persona & Product Function using ideation tool of Sketch Video.


Use art-like shapes to reduce user fear.

Solution: Elepsy

Elepsy ensures that the fruits and veggies are safe for consumption by thoroughly cleaning them beforehand.

Designed to be a safe sanitization station for fruits and vegetables, Elepsy uses a dual-stage process to make sure the food is immaculately clean before people consume it. The product can be broadly separated into three parts: a carafe that lets the user measure the water, a sanitization unit, and an outer tray to place the food after it’s been cleaned.

Last project: Motice

Next project: Co_more