Orbi: Menstrual Well-being Assistant

04.2021 - 06.2021/ 10-week personal project


Well-being, user experience, sustainable solution for menstrual well-being

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On average, a woman will have around 450 menstrual cycles, which means ten years of her life will be spent menstruating. Therefore, menstrual wellness deserves more attention. 'Orbi' aims to help enhance menstrual wellness management. It is a system that combines an app and hygiene containers, designed to analyze the user's menstrual status, scientifically calculate a personalized menstrual schedule, and provide reminders. This approach enables efficient management of menstruation.


The use of supplies is most directly related to menstrual health and wellness. However, in my study of 208 women, more than half of the respondents had experienced leaving their menstrual supplies on for too long and reported feeling uncomfortable. At the same time, some women went to the other extreme and changed their menstrual supplies too often

Menstruation is not something that brings a pleasant experience

Work, travel, impromptu schedules and arrangements, all of these can have an impact during menstruation. However, few people are concerned about their menstrual experience and menstrual well-being.

Overuse & Underuse

Most menstrual products are disposable, and they end up in landfills or incinerated. Overuse of disposable menstrual supplies increases the environmental burden. On the other hand, underuse of menstrual supplies may have health risks such as Toxic Shock Syndrome and infection. However, most women in their daily lives don’t have enough time or the means to conduct a scientific assessment of menstrual supplies use.

Solution: Menstrual assistant

'Orbi' is a system that combines an APP and hygiene containers. It is designed to help users have better time management during menstruation--to reduce the underuse and overuse of menstrual supplies.

Hygiene containers

The purpose of the container is to ensure the hygiene of menstrual supplies. They are also assistants of the Orbi app. When the user opens the container to use the menstrual supplies, the Bluetooth detects that the user is making actual use and prompts the user within the app to record the usage rate. So that ‘Orbi’ can take the habits of the user into account when creating their personal menstrual schedule.


Since users tend to have a mix of pads and tampons, this container has two sections to store each of the two menstrual products. The top part is for storing tampon and the bottom part is for storing pad. It can hold 4 tampons and 4 packs of pads at the same time.


This is one of the two containers of the Orbi series, which is designed for menstrual cups. It has sterilization function. With the UV light, it can ensure the hygiene of menstrual cup. Meanwhile Bluetooth makes it possible to connect to the APP to facilitate learning for the user's habits. It can hold 2 menstrual cups at the same time.


As an analyst, Orbi APP allows users to record, calculate entered data and create schedules while visualizing the information. orbi APP also assumes a reminder function.

How does it work?

Menstruation is a very personal issue. Each woman's cycle, use, and needs are different. Therefore, 'Orbi' is designed to be completely personal. By allowing the user to record usage rates for the first three cycles, 'Orbi' obtains user data and establishes a scientific schedule. All the user needs to do is to follow the instructions. The recorded data will be displayed visually in the application in a graphic format. In addition, 'Orbi' alerts the user when problems arise, such as abnormal blood levels. 'Orbi' app also assists the user in communicating with the gynecologist.

Start with imputing your personal menstrual choice

Different people have different menstrual habits. Orbi’s initial calculation is based on user’s personal menstrual choice. In this stage, Orbi creates an initial schedule for the user.

Interact between the product and the APP

A sensor in the product detects if the container is opened. If the user opens the container and uses the menstrual product inside, Bluetooth will transmit the signal to the application.

Adjust the schedule based on user’s records

Orbi asks users to record their usage for the first three periods after using Orbi. In this way, Orbi detects the user's actual habits and makes changes to the schedule. After three circles, the user can choose to continue recording or not.

The recorded data is visaulized in Orbi App

This data is visualized in the Orbi application to allow users to better track their menstrual status. Orbi also provides users with health tips and dietary recommendations based on their recorded data. This data can also be used to communicate with gynecologists.

Take the user's personal schedule into account

Orbi as the user's menstrual management expert, also takes into account the user's personal schedule in its calculations in order to facilitate and increase the likelihood that the user will follow the schedule.

Orbi, your personal analysis for your mantstual well-being


Last project: Moii

Next project: Flöx